Handmade Home Decor: Kool Tak Spring Chimes

Handmade Home Decor: Kool Tak Spring Chimes

Handmade Home Decor: Kool Tak Spring Chimes Candice Windham

Handmade Home Decor is easy to create by embellishing a purchased wire and glass wind chime using Kool Tak’s versatile products.

Spring has arrived here in Tennessee. We still have some cool days, but the sun has warmed the earth enough for flowers to push up through the ground, and the  flowering shrubs and tress to burst forth in bloom.

I’m always ready for warm weather, and this year is no different. My favorite spring colors are the ones I associate with Easter eggs: deep purple, turquoise blue, pink, orange and spring green.

I decided to bring a little of the outdoors into my studio with vintage-style Handmade Home Décor Spring Chimes (See Tip 5) I discovered this great piece at a decorator store, but you could very easily make them. Note: I will be posting directions for making a wire  and glass wind chime March 31 on my blog, www.candicewindhamdesigns.blogspot.com.

I knew exactly what I wanted to use for this piece: Kool Tak’s Adhesive Clear Foam Pads, Ultra Clear, Foam Roll, and Spring Blossoms Foil. The height and width difference in these KoolTac adhesives make it easy to create visual interest. As an option, you could apply embossing powder, beads or glitter to the adhesives.


Brush, flat 1 ½”, Scissors


  1. Paint 10 of the wired tissue pieces with various colors of acrylic paint, using gel medium to thin them. Set aside to dry.
  2. Apply Kool TakTM adhesives to each bottle.
  3. Remove the protective plastic tape from each piece of adhesive. Add Kool TakTM Foil in your choice of colors. See Tips 2-4.
  4. Add wired tissue to the ring, alternating the pieces by color. Just twist the wire in the center, wrap onto ring and add a small bit of Kool TakTM Ultra Clear Adhesive to hold the pieces together.


  1. You can use other acrylic paint colors, but be sure they are transparent. Using opaque colors will obscure the beautiful French text on the tissue.
  2. Place all the Kool Tak TM adhesives on the bottles first. When applying the foil, remove the plastic from all the areas on each bottle for that particular color.
  3. If you see areas where the foil has not adhered, just re-apply it until you completely cover the adhesive.
  4. Don’t discard your foil backing sheets until you have used every bit of foil. You can apply several colors from the used sheets for a variegated effect.

Handmade Home Decor: Kool Tak Spring Chimes 2

     5.  If you hang this piece outdoors, hang it under a covered porch away from the elements.

I hope you see bits of spring soon where you live. I know I’ll be enjoying my indoor spring chimes!

5 Responses to Handmade Home Decor: Kool Tak Spring Chimes

  1. Barbara MacAskill says:

    I love this! I have lots of windchimes and I am going to make these to add to them! We have the perfect tree in our backyard for these. I also have a tree outside my new craft room window that is screaming for one of these so I can hear them while I am crafting! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Candice Windham says:

    Thanks for the kind words! You may want to test a bottle with the dimensional foam and the Ultra Clear. Put one in a sunny area now and see what happens in a month or two. However the Kool Tak Premium Extreme is completely weatherproof, 25° to more than 250°, so if don’t mind losing the dimensional factor, Premium Extreme is perfect. It comes in rolls 1/8″ to 6″ X 27 yards. I designed this to hang in my studio, so wasn’t worried about weather.

    BTW, my grandmother was a McCaskill. Different spelling, same origin I imagine

  3. So very unique! Love it!

  4. Eileen hull says:

    Candice, what a beautiful project! I love wind chimes- ready for spring in VA too! Great use of Kool Tak…

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